
Flu Vaccine In Pregnancy

Published on September 20th, 2017

Did you know that unborn babies are temporarily protected by their mother’s flu shot? A new study found that immunity fades within weeks after birth. In a randomized, placebo-controlled study, researchers measured the efficacy of the flu vaccine on the unborn babies of vaccinated pregnant women by comparing rates of disease and levels of antibodies in 1,026 infants born to unvaccinated mothers and babies.

The vaccine was 86 percent effective up until the babies were 8 weeks old. Between 8 and 24 weeks, the power of the vaccine saw a significant decline in effectiveness. The lead author of the study, Marta C. Nunes, still says that it is essential to that women get the flu vaccination during pregnancy. Pregnant women are a high-risk group. Getting a flu vaccination protects both the mother and the baby.

The discovery of a vaccine for pregnant women that that offers long-lasting immunity for the baby is really important because no flu vaccine is approved for babies under the age of 6 months. Marta says that we have to work together on creating vaccines that will work in babies or that are more immunogenic so that her antibodies will last longer.

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Source: New York Times

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