
Thurswell Law Represents Mother Suing Airline That Removed Minor Child from Flight

Posted on March 25th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

spirit airline negligence jerry thurswell

A mother and her two children get on a flight. The 15-year-old daughter is assigned a seat in the front of the plane while the mom and son are in the back of the plane. Without the mother’s permission or knowledge, the daughter is removed from the plane – a fact the mother didn’t discover […]

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You Could Be a Victim of Negligence by Michigan State Police

Posted on March 18th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

michigan state police negligence facial recognition software thurswell law

Even if you’ve never been arrested, the Michigan State Police (MSP) have all the goods on you. Anyone with a driver’s license or state ID card is automatically entered into the police database – this includes photo and personal information. The problem? The Michigan Secretary of State is required by law to give this info […]

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Do Time and Place of Delivery Contribute to Birth Injuries?

Posted on March 15th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

delivery room birth injuries thurswell law

There is a lot going on in the delivery room. Laboring mothers have enough on their minds without having to worry about additional complications that could arise from the day and time their body decides to give birth. Recent research, however, has shown that there are some unsettling factors that influence whether a mother will […]

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Pedestrian Deaths at Highest Rate in Nearly 30 Years

Posted on March 4th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

pedestrian accident fatalities thurswell law

The statistics in pedestrian deaths are getting worse, and a new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) found that 2018 was the deadliest year for pedestrians in almost 30 years. There were 6,227 pedestrians killed by a motor vehicle last year, a number that has been steadily rising since 2009. The GHSA blames […]

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3 Ways to Avoid a C-Section and the Threat of Medical Malpractice

Posted on February 25th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

c-section medical malpractice thurswell law

The United States has one of the highest rates of cesarean sections globally. In some cases, a C-section can be life-saving. In other cases, babies can suffer a catastrophic and irreversible birth injury. For some doctors, the jump to do a C-section has a lot to do with avoiding medical malpractice charges. If a vaginal […]

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