
3 Serious Injuries Suffered in a Rear-End Auto Accident

Posted on August 8th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

rear-end auto accident

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of auto accidents in the country. While it may seem that getting hit from behind would be a “safer” kind of accident and one that wouldn’t cause many injuries, the exact opposite is true. Even low-speed crashes can result in serious injuries and fatalities.

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Paramedics Guilty of Medical Negligence?

Posted on August 6th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

paramedics medical negligence

In Florida, a 30-year-old woman gave birth to a baby via C-section and, several days later, passed out at home. Her mother called 911 after finding her daughter slumped over in the bathtub and drooling through swollen lips. Paramedics arrived at Crystle Galloway’s third-floor condo and carried her downstairs, but that seems to be where […]

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Protect Your College Student: Wrongful Death in Fraternity Hazing

Posted on August 3rd, 2018 by Thurswell Law

wrongful death fraternity hazing

Parents have plenty of worries about sending their child off to college. Wrongful death is usually not one of them. One family, however, is living through such a nightmare. Timothy Piazza was a 19-year-old sophomore and fraternity pledge at Penn State University when he died in February 2017 after drinking large quantities of alcohol in […]

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#InMyFeelingsChallenge: The Distracted Driving Car Accident

Posted on August 1st, 2018 by Thurswell Law

inmyfeelingschallenge car accident distracted driving

Some people strive for the honor of their video, meme, or post to go viral. They want to be the big news story, the hot item on social media. Unfortunately, the people who are taking on singer Drake’s #InMyFeelingsChallenge are making news for the wrong reasons – they’re jumping out of moving vehicles, and getting […]

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Police Brutality Inflicted by Off-Duty Cops

Posted on July 31st, 2018 by Thurswell Law

police brutality off duty

On or off duty, police officers are expected to comply with the law, just like every other citizen. They are also expected to exhibit the highest standards of professional conduct. While there may be times when an off-duty officer must use his badge and enforce the law, there is never a time when police brutality […]

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