
You May Not Know Right Away That Your Baby Suffered Birth Trauma

Posted on July 5th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

birth trauma in children

In the labor and delivery room there are moments of great joy, anxiety, hope, and relief. The last thing any parent wants to think is that something went wrong with their child’s birth. Sadly, there are infants who are born with a serious medical problem or who suffer a birth injury – these issues are […]

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The Reality of Fireworks Negligence

Posted on July 3rd, 2018 by Thurswell Law

fireworks negligence

Fireworks and Fourth of July are a typical pair, but fireworks for any celebration or occasion are a risky and dangerous form of entertainment. Fireworks become an even bigger hazard when the people lighting the pyrotechnics are amateurs who neglect to use basic safety precautions. There is significant room for user error, and a subsequent […]

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Teen at Center of Brain-Death Controversy Dies

Posted on June 29th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

brain-death controversy

The battle to preserve Jahi McMath’s life began five years ago when, after complications arose from a routine tonsillectomy, her devastated family was told by doctors that Jahi was brain-dead. The family’s disagreement with this declaration started a months-long battle between the McMaths and the Children’s Hospital and Research Center in Oakland, California. On June […]

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Stage 1 CTE: Late Quarterback Had Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted on June 28th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

traumatic brain injury CTE quarterback

Washington State backup quarterback Tyler Hilinski was slated to be his team’s starting quarterback heading into the 2018 college football season. But in January 2018, Hilinski took his own life, and it was recently revealed that the 21-year-old suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the traumatic brain injury more commonly known as CTE.

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What Michigan Drivers Need to Know About Bicycle Accidents

Posted on June 25th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

Michigan bicycle accident

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is working to make Michigan roads safer for bicyclists by installing bicycle lanes on some roads. These lanes are intended to keep cyclists unscathed as they travel about, and they provide alerts to motorists that there will be bike traffic in that area. Increasing driver awareness of the presence […]

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