
Was It Medical Malpractice? The Bill Paxton Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Posted on February 15th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

Was It Medical Malpractice? The Bill Paxton Wrongful Death Lawsuit Bill Paxton was a beloved actor known for his roles in the movies “Titanic” and “Apollo 13” and the HBO series “Big Love.” He died in February 2017 at age 61 after a stroke caused by complications following heart surgery. Paxton’s widow and children have […]

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#MeToo in the Workplace: Why You Need a Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Posted on February 10th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

#MeToo in the Workplace: Why You Need a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Our culture is shifting. The #MeToo movement, rightly so, has made sure of that. Plenty of #MeToo situations have been publicized because they involve celebrities and well-known names and faces. But what about the people who aren’t notable figures or superstars? What if you […]

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Is Medical Negligence Responsible for Your Child’s Diagnosis of Erb’s Palsy?

Posted on January 18th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

Erb’s Palsy Medical Negligence Compensation Is Available  Heading into the delivery room, the last thing most parents think about are all the things that could go wrong as their child enters the world. Unfortunately, things can and do go wrong. Your obstetrician has the incredibly important job of guiding your child carefully out of the […]

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Can Breakthroughs in Stem Cell Research Treat Cerebral Palsy?

Posted on January 10th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

Can Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Research Treat Cerebral Palsy? All expectant parents are provided with information about cord blood banking. Those who choose to store umbilical cord blood have the option to call on this resource in the future to potentially help treat blood or immune system diseases that their children may develop. Now, revolutionary […]

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Risks of Birth Trauma: Pregnancy Complications

Posted on January 3rd, 2018 by Thurswell Law

Know the Risks of Birth Trauma: 5 Potential Pregnancy Complications During a Second Pregnancy If you’ve given birth once, you’re officially a veteran of labor and delivery. Your second pregnancy, however, is not guaranteed to be like the first, and the delivery is unlikely to be the same either. Even though you have a better […]

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