
Preterm Birth & Heart Disease In Women

Posted on February 13th, 2017 by Thurswell Law

A study, published online in the journal Circulation, shows that preterm birth appears to be an early warning signal of a woman’s risk for heart disease. The study was based on data from 70,182 women. Women who delivered full-term babies were compared to women who gave birth earlier than 37 weeks. The women who gave […]

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Concussions From Soccer Headers

Posted on February 7th, 2017 by Thurswell Law

Is there a connection between soccer players who frequently head the ball and concussions? A study conducted by Neurology, examined 222 amateur soccer players – 175 men and 47 women – who reported the number of times that they headed the ball over a two-week period. Additionally, these athletes also reported any unintentional head impacts, […]

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2016 Deadliest Year For Drivers Since 2007

Posted on January 27th, 2017 by Thurswell Law

In the year 2016 Michigan breaks the 1,000 mark of traffic deaths for the first time since 2007. Lower gas prices, improving the economy, and texting while driving all appear to be increasing the number of road deaths, according to experts. These numbers have gone up nationally after a big decline during the Great Recession. Since […]

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Two-Thirds of Drivers Admit To Texting While Driving

Posted on January 23rd, 2017 by Thurswell Law

In a recent survey, 98% of drivers who own a mobile phone and text said that they are aware of the dangers that come with texting while operating a motor vehicle. However, three-quarters of these drivers still text and drive. Despite changes in the law against texting while driving in certain states, two-thirds said that […]

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The Truth About The McDonald’s Lawsuit

Posted on December 29th, 2016 by Thurswell Law

You have probably heard about the McDonald’s lawsuit before in the media. You know that a woman went to McDonald’s, bought a coffee, spilled the coffee in her lap, burned herself, and sued McDonald’s for a LOT of money. It is likely that you have been told that the incident occurred because the woman was […]

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