
Michigan: The Most Dangerous State for Winter Driving Car Accidents

Posted on December 2nd, 2019 by Thurswell Law

winter car accidents in michigan thurswell law

Even if you are a Michigan native who is no stranger to snowy and icy roads through the winter months, your vehicle is never evenly matched with Mother Nature. New stats show, in fact, that Michigan is the most dangerous state for winter driving, with almost 50 car accident road deaths every year.

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Pennsylvania NICU Deaths Caused by Contaminated Equipment

Posted on November 19th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

NICU mismanagement thurswell law wrongful death michigan pennsylvania

All aspects of an infant’s care need to be handled meticulously when they are born prematurely or with complications. The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is supposed to be one of the safest places in a hospital, but at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania, three infants died after being fed infected breast milk in […]

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Medical Malpractice: Michigan Doctors Choose Money Over Caring for Patients

Posted on September 23rd, 2019 by Thurswell Law

opioid crisis michigan medical malpractice thurswell law

The opioid epidemic kills over 130 Americans every day. But who’s to blame? Federal authorities have pointed the finger at pharmaceutical companies and the doctors who profit because of them, committing medical malpractice (and other crimes) in the process. According to a recent expose in the Detroit Free Press, highly addictive opioids kill more people […]

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Increase in Number of Pregnant Women with High Blood Pressure

Posted on September 17th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

high blood pressure preeclampsia pregnancy hypertension medical malpractice birth injury thurswell law

Pregnancy is a major health journey and a woman’s body is constantly changing. Some pregnant mothers find themselves developing high blood pressure – preeclampsia – even if they didn’t have blood pressure problems before pregnancy. This health condition, left misdiagnosed or uncontrolled, can be dangerous for mother and baby.

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A Top Cause of Global Death: Drunk Driving Accidents

Posted on September 1st, 2019 by Thurswell Law

drunk driving accident michigan

No amount of alcohol is safe for your overall health, according to a global study published in the journal The Lancet and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For some time, a common belief has been that one or two drinks a day can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. This […]

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