
Will New No-Fault Auto Insurance Savings in Michigan Help You in a Car Accident?

Posted on January 15th, 2020 by Thurswell Law

auto accident no-fault insurance changes michigan thurswell law

Michigan recently revamped its no-fault auto insurance system, but how much motorists will gain in savings won’t be known until spring or summer. The new no-fault auto insurance system begins in July 2020, and it will very likely be accompanied by higher prices for liability insurance, which means the overhaul of the no-fault system is […]

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Michigan: The Most Dangerous State for Winter Driving Car Accidents

Posted on December 2nd, 2019 by Thurswell Law

winter car accidents in michigan thurswell law

Even if you are a Michigan native who is no stranger to snowy and icy roads through the winter months, your vehicle is never evenly matched with Mother Nature. New stats show, in fact, that Michigan is the most dangerous state for winter driving, with almost 50 car accident road deaths every year.

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A Top Cause of Global Death: Drunk Driving Accidents

Posted on September 1st, 2019 by Thurswell Law

drunk driving accident michigan

No amount of alcohol is safe for your overall health, according to a global study published in the journal The Lancet and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For some time, a common belief has been that one or two drinks a day can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. This […]

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Motorists Are Running Red Lights and People Are Dying Because of It

Posted on August 30th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

red traffic light car accident thurswell law

We are all impatient drivers from time to time. You have somewhere to be, you’re tired of following a slow driver, you just can’t get stuck at one more red light. Zooming through an intersection to get to where you’re going, however, puts you in danger of causing a car accident, and threatens the lives […]

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Did You Get a Speeding Ticket Because of the Car You Drive?

Posted on August 19th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

speeding ticket michigan car accident thurswell law

Corvettes, Porsches, Mustangs – these car models (and their operators) have a reputation for speed but, according to a new survey, they’re not among the top 10 cars whose drivers rack up the most speeding tickets. Regardless of car make and model, any vehicle that pushes the speed limit risks causing a Michigan car accident.

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