
Fatal Negligence: Police Officer Killed by Distracted Driver

Posted on January 18th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

distracted driver car accident thurswell law

It has been a deadly 2019 for police officers in the United States. Seven officers have been killed since the first of the year. Though all tragic, one of the fatalities is notable for its cause – a distracted driver. Officer Clayton Townsend was standing by the driver’s side door of a car he pulled […]

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Michigan Family Killed in Wrong-Way Drunk Driving Car Accident

Posted on January 9th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

wrong way drunk driving accident michigan

On January 6, 2019, a Michigan family driving home from vacation were struck head-on by a wrong-way driver on a Kentucky interstate. The entire family was of five was killed when their car went up in flames. The driver of the pickup truck also lost his life. Wrong-way accidents are not as common as drunk […]

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Safe Driving Resolutions for the New Year

Posted on January 2nd, 2019 by Thurswell Law

driving resolutions thurswell law

You can’t control what other motorists do on the highway, but you can help prevent a Michigan auto accident by taking care of yourself on the road. If you want to keep yourself healthy and strong and motivated in the New Year, resolve to drive safer and better.

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4 Ways Your Actions in Winter Weather Can Cause a Michigan Car Crash

Posted on December 17th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

michigan car crash winter weather

Michigan residents are no strangers to winter weather, both mild and ferocious. Knowing the weather conditions and respecting them, however, are two different things. When you live in a place where snow and ice are the norm, you may think that your experience with dangerous terrain will be enough to help you avoid a car […]

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Protect Yourself from a Car Accident During Holiday Travel

Posted on December 14th, 2018 by Thurswell Law

holiday michigan car accident thurswell law

The end of the year is one of the most dangerous times to travel on Michigan roads. Heavy traffic, poor weather conditions, impatient and distracted drivers – conditions like these all add up to treacherous roads. But there are plenty of things you can do to try and protect yourself from a car accident during […]

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