
Harmed By a Drug Company? Know Your Rights

Posted on February 5th, 2024 by Thurswell Law

drug company michigan legal shield legislation thurswell law

In December 2023, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bipartisan bill that holds drug companies accountable for wrongdoing. People harmed by prescription drugs now have the right to pursue legal action against drug manufacturers – no more immunity for drug companies, more compensation for people who have suffered.

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Toy Magnets Linked to Deaths and Hospitalizations

Posted on December 11th, 2023 by Thurswell Law

toy magnets injury death thurswell law michigan

Fidgets are all the rage and come in many shapes and sizes. Some are squishy and quiet, others click and clack. And then there are the mesmerizing toy magnets that can be crafted into multiple shapes thanks to miniature, powerful magnets. What many people are only beginning to realize is that these fidgets and desk […]

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A Growing Reality: Assault and Rape in Hospitals and Medical Facilities

Posted on November 22nd, 2023 by Thurswell Law

assault and rape in hospitals thurswell law

A recent report from the Joint Commission found that there is an “alarming rise” in assaults and rape in hospitals and medical facilities. The first troubling item, of course, is that these crimes occur at all. The second is that they are increasing in number – and that’s just the assaults and rapes that are […]

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Do Sugary Drinks Cause Cancer? Are Manufacturers Negligent?

Posted on July 19th, 2019 by Thurswell Law

sugary drink cause cancer thurswell law manufacturer negligence

We all know too much sugar is bad for us, but that doesn’t prevent people from regularly enjoying their favorite sugar-sweetened beverages. The common belief has been that the only danger in guzzling down too many sodas or juices would be destroying weight loss goals. Now, however, sugary drinks have been linked to cancer, and […]

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Medical Negligence Nightmares: Never Events

Posted on June 17th, 2019 by Gerald Thurswell

Medical Negligence Nightmares: Never Events for Thurswell Law

In March 2019, the 13th Circuit Court ruled in favor of a deceased Traverse City man who was forced to forgo leukemia treatment after complications from bariatric surgery. The surgeon did not order a pre-op sleep study, causing him to recommend the wrong surgery. After having the more dangerous and complicated surgery, the patient struggled with […]

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