
Harmed By a Drug Company? Know Your Rights

Posted on February 5th, 2024 by Thurswell Law

drug company michigan legal shield legislation thurswell law

In December 2023, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bipartisan bill that holds drug companies accountable for wrongdoing. People harmed by prescription drugs now have the right to pursue legal action against drug manufacturers – no more immunity for drug companies, more compensation for people who have suffered.

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Toy Magnets Linked to Deaths and Hospitalizations

Posted on December 11th, 2023 by Thurswell Law

toy magnets injury death thurswell law michigan

Fidgets are all the rage and come in many shapes and sizes. Some are squishy and quiet, others click and clack. And then there are the mesmerizing toy magnets that can be crafted into multiple shapes thanks to miniature, powerful magnets. What many people are only beginning to realize is that these fidgets and desk […]

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Increase in Freeway Car Accidents Caused by Higher Speed Limit

Posted on December 20th, 2022 by Thurswell Law

high speed limits michigan freeway car accidents thurswell law

A recent study by Michigan State University found an increase in freeway car accidents and fatalities over the last five years. The cause for this jump? MSU believes the blame lies with the speed limit increase by the state of Michigan in 2017, where roughly 600 miles of freeway were posted at 75 miles per […]

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State Attorney General Will Review Cochran Asphyxiation Case

Posted on June 17th, 2020 by Thurswell Law

cochran thurswell i can't breathe 2014

The Michigan Attorney General’s Office has officially been asked to review the details surrounding a Ferndale man who died during a 2014 altercation with Northland Shopping Mall security guards. McKenzie Cochran’s case came to light again in the wake of George Floyd’s death and amid the protests against racism and police brutality. Now, the Oakland […]

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Malfunctioning Airbags: A Deadly Problem

Posted on July 30th, 2019 by Gerald Thurswell

Mafunctioning Airbags Thurswell Law

Airbags have been standard equipment in passenger cars since 1998 and in pickups, vans and SUVs since 1999. They were designed to help save lives, and by and large they have done so. However, many airbags were recalled because they malfunctioned and seriously endangered vehicle passengers. In fact, between 1990 and 2008, frontal airbags killed more […]

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